Gränsfors Bruk Small Forest Axe: Review

Wednesday, May 8, 2024
There are many kinds of axes in the world but we feel you define them into two groups, they are either designed and hand made by Gränsfors Bruk and then there is everyone else in the axe market such as Hultafors or Wetterlings...

Or what ever Gimli prefers...
The Gränsfors Bruk Small Forest Axe is excellent for felling trees and climbing about the forest or range and is a quality tool when compared to similar kinds - what sets it out is its strength of character in the field and that it's one of the sharpest axes you can buy 'off the shelf' without having to hone its edge yourself. 

best small forest axe

The axe is delivered with a sheath and features:
  • Length with handle: 19 inch, Comes original Gransfors "Axe-book"
  • A reason weight: 2 lbs
  • It's perfect for splitting small sticks or cutting limbwood
  • The Small Forest Axe is excellent for felling trees and limbing
  • Cut your own kindling wood with ease (it's fine for urban use).

The small forest axe, as the name implies would not be ideal for someone looking for an axe to whittle and carve wood (that would be a more straight-edge model axe), however, if you are looking for a bit more power in your swing, you might prefer an axe as it's 19-inch handle allows for increased momentum and control with harder strokes.

While not specifically a survival axe or hatchet, its utility means you can consider it for such purposes. It is certainly a suitable axe for having around a cabin or lodge and taking on a busman's camping trip. 

Because Gransfors Bruks are handmade, they’re all going to be a little bit different from one another. 
They aren’t perfectly smooth and polished, each axe comes from the forge with unique characteristics - and so they are not all uniform in look. 

As you would expect, the hatchet only weighs two pounds which is quite lighter than 'standard sized' woodman's log splitting axes, so it is light enough to carry around with you on your hip or in a rucksack.

They will all have the same weight and feel - and that is in part due to the handles are shaped from American hickory, which time has shown is simply one of the best kinds of wood to use for axe handles (the other popular kind being Ash).

best small axe for back packing

Don't take our word for it, however, here are some Amazon reviews from users who have felt the hickory in their hands and swung the head down hard: 

"This axe was highly recommended by Cliff Jacobson, in his excellent book "Expedition Canoeing" He had such good information in there. Some of which I already knew, so I took a chance on his tool preference. He's right! You can bet your life on it. You can shave with this thing! It has great balance, and great handle design. Perfect size for a car. Big for a pack, but you get full performance in a relatively small package."

"This has to be my favorite axe for packing out into the country when camping and hunting."

"The Rolls Royce of axes. Be VERY careful, these things are RAZOR sharp. I've never had an axe that was this sharp, I figured something as thick as a axe head couldn't be sharped like a filet knife but I was wrong. This thing can literally shave the hairs off your arm when new. I've used it a couple camping trips and it's the perfect size."

"Great product. Axe is quite light. Very high quality materials used. Holds a very sharp edge after a lot of use. Great all around axe and very portable!"

"This axe is an amazing axe! It is traditionally made, no synthetics! When it came, the grind was perfect, and was the sharpest thing I have ever felt. The reason why I took off a star was because this axe is ment for soft woods. This axe has no problem getting dull when I use it in hardwood such as maple. I shouldn't say dull, I mean "less sharp" than before but still useable. This is meant for alpine areas, such as woodlands with a lot of pine trees, or birch and beech trees."

"Weight is balanced very well. Handle curvature is amazing in the hand, well, as comfy as if gets for a tool."

If you think this axe will help you sever limbs from trees quite well, check it out on Amazon.

Remember to oil your axe regularly

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